Sabtu, 23 November 2013


The procedure for obtaining sharia pawning financing through rahn contract is very simple. Community only shows by proofing identity and chattels as collateral, the loan money can be obtained but not in a long time relatively. Likewise to repay the loan, through rahin it is enough to hand over sum of money and by rahn proof only with short processing time also. However, the reality in the process of implementing sharia pawning through rahn contract still does is not fully implementing of the Islamic sharia provisions. Therefore, it is still common practice of usury. As a result in the rahn process there still occurs tyranny and take the possessions with falsehood. This study used qualitative research by using data collection techniques through observations, interviews, and documentation. While the sampling used purposive sampling method. The process of data analysis was done with data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. The validity of the data was tested by degree of accuracy, degree of precision, degree of shifting, and degree of agreement. The results showed that the overall implementation of sharia pawning through rahn contract in BMT UGT Sidogiri Gapura Branch had been in accordance with Islamic sharia. Due to the terms and essential principles had been fulfilled and free from the practice of usury. While the factors affecting the implementation process of sharia pawning through rahn contract in BMT UGT Sidogiri Gapura Branch include educational factors, executing the contract factors, and lack of discipline culture factors. 

Keywords: sharia pawning, rahn